The Mythological President
Lies and mythology are related, but they’re not the same thing. One person can lie to another, whereas mythology exists and functions across society. I can tell you a lie, but a myth is something we tell ourselves. A myth is made up of many lies that magically add up to a higher “truth.” Donald Trump lies. A lot. Clearly more than most people, and probably more than any other president. Arguably professional journalism’s greatest failing of the last several years has been its reluctance to label him a liar or to even identify his lies as such. Instead, they almost always play it safe, on the grounds that they cannot read his mind, and so they settle for euphemisms. He is “incorrect.” He “exaggerates” and “misstates.” His statements are “inaccurate.” Respected, professional news outlets almost never call him a liar. They never say he lies. Of course it isn’t always a lie. Some if it is just gross stupidity. But he also intentionally lies. Many thousands of them. This is very important. When we fail to challenge Donald Trump’s countless lies, they are allowed to form a larger mythological whole that is greater than the sum of its individual lies. The result is The Mythology of Donald Trump. A myth is full of statements that are “inaccurate” or “incorrect.” A society bundles up these individual lies and transforms them into a mythological truth. Take for example story of Pocahontas.
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