Why I’m a Rangers and Knicks Fan
distant second, and basketball and hockey were largely irrelevant. They seemed like sports for doing, not watching. I had a one of those rubberized Spalding basketballs with a David Thompson signature; just a plain leather colored one, alas, not the red, white, and blue ABA model. I also had a street hockey stick (Bobby Clark) with a bright orange plastic-blade. I didn’t know Thompson was a former number one overall pick of both the ABA and NBA. Didn’t even know who Clark was. Eventually someone mentioned something about the Flyers. All I knew is that it was fun now and again to shoot some hoops and whack shit with a stick. Now that I’m older, football has leapfrogged baseball, garnering the lion’s share of my attention, but that’s mostly because I like to gamble (shhhhh!). Basketball and hockey are still way behind, duking it out for a distant third, that is, when I’m not watching a boxing match. But when it comes time to pay attention to hockey and basketball, I do throw my support behind the Rangers and Knicks, even if it’s lackadaisical, so lets clear the air on why.
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